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How does column grouping work in the table? And how do I group a specific column?
Step 1: On the top right corner of the page, click on visualization under properties.
Step 2: Drag and drop the required columns under Dimension and Measure. In the measure column, select the option as “Group” by clicking on the dropdown of the column you want to group. (Refer to the image below).
Step 3: Now, click on the properties icon under visualization. Locate the Table Properties option and click on the Column Grouping toggle.
Step 4: Set a Column Group Default Limit and give it a Column Group Name. (Refer to the image below)
Step 5: Once this has been done, the column to which grouping has been applied will display only 14 values or less.
Step 6: Anything more than the given number will be represented by the Column Group Name and the number of values in the said row. (Refer to the image below).